Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, December 30, 2005

Le Bored

I am posting because I am bored. Friends doesn't start for another 3 minutes, so I'll be writing for at least that long. Soon I will be heading off to Polaris to eat dinner with some blasts from the past. A few St. Charles folk are getting together for a meal. I haven't seen these people in two years, so we'll see how that goes. The last time we all got together there were about 15 people there. Tonight there will be 4 at the most, which I consider a good thing cause too many people is just too many people.
Montreal was really nice. It was also unseasonably warm (meaning in the 30s) which was good cause I wasn't cold, but not good cause it meant all the snow melted and we had to walk through slush. I don't like slush. But I still like Montreal. Pretty place. Good food. Lots of fish, which one might think would make me not like it, however, it was very good fish. For serious. I did pretty well for Christmas. Got some nice clothes and a new digital camera which I like quite a bit. It's the one from the Maria Sharapova or whatever commercial. Shaw, the loser, didn't get me anything, but he did shave off his beard which was at my request. Beards suck.
Okay that's all you get. I'm off to TGI Fridays, on a Friday night, at prime dinner time hours, so I'm sure to be eating in the next 5 hours MAYBE.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Home again

Here I am back in Cbus. Already being driven a little bit crazy. That bodes well for the rest of break...Montreal is gonna be AWESOME. Oh geez. I think the plan now is to leave freaking early on Friday morning. I still don't know how long we're staying yet. I would like to find that out soon.
Now I'm just sitting here watching The American President, which is an excellent movie. Left my friends to eat dinner at home since I'm going broke, but now I'm done eating so I'll just have to wait til they're done and then make them hang out with me. The good news is that there's a frozen snickers bar in the freezer that I am going to enjoy soon. Life isn't that bad.
Still haven't gotten the Camry fixed yet. Hopefully I'll take it in tomorrow and it'll be fixed by the time we get back from Montreal. We'll have to rent a car to get up there. I think we should get a mini-van. That'd be cool.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I am done with my second to last semester of college. Wooooooohoo! It feels oh so good. My research paper didn't even suck that much! At least I don't think so, and that's what really matters.
Worked at the B&N today and I got sooooo annoyed with the customers. Usually I am really good at not getting annoyed and always being polite to them, but today I could not stand it. One customer came in and asked if we sold Tylenol. Um...what? No douche bag, we don't sell Tylenol, we're a bookstore. But whatever, the day is over, I didn't have to hear Il Divo, and I have nothing to do tonight! It's beautiful.
I'm working tomorrow 10-5:30, then later in the music office, opening on Thursday, and then hanging out in Valpo til Saturday when I'm going home!!!!!! I'm lovin life right now, not gonna lie.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It's gonna be a long night!

Okay people, it's research paper time. As a student who has always done everything half-assed, I've decided this paper will be no different. I've figured out a topic: I'll be doing a case study of SIRIUS Satellite Radio; I will be getting my sources from Google Book search which is a wonderful little toy that let's you look at a few pages of a book. Eventually, after looking through enough books, you find a quote you can use! Love it! So yeah, I don't know anything about satellite radio, except what I learned from playing with Chris's XM radio thingy for like 10 seconds. I've decided I like research papers as they give me a way to test my creative writing skills. How well can I sound like a smart person? Bs, Cs, and Ds get degrees people!
In other news, it looks like we're going to Montreal for Christmas. That's weird to me, but whatever. As long as the dog can come, and I don't have to share a bed with Mom, I'll go wherever.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Today is a great day in my life because Barnes & Noble has finally taken "Il Divo" off the in-store play. This is really good since if I heard the cd once more, I probably would have killed myself. It's also a great day cause my roomies just brought me a slurpee. Hurray for slurpees.
Oh but here's a reason that today sucks. Well, a reason that today, tomorrow, and the day after that all suck. Effin finals, man. Crampin my style. I've got 3 take homes exams and they all blow. Holocaust Theology (just as exciting as it sounds) is due Monday by 6:30. That'll be okay cause the prof is a really easy grader. The other two exams are damn near impossible. A research paper, that I think I've mentioned before, about something I haven't researched. And 10 essay questions all about the technical aspect of television production. Here's the thing: I don't do the technical stuff. I can't even understand the questions. I'm gonna freak out pretty soon, but right now I'm just enjoying my slurpee.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

2A Knows How To Party

So here we are, Friday night, last day of the semester and we're watching A&E's Pride and Prejudice. The six hour one. Gotta say, I'm enjoying it, but the new movie rocks my world. I am a nerd, but that movie just makes me really really happy. So anyway, we're watching the A&E version now. Mr. Darcy just re-proposed to Elizabeth. We're all very happy.
Tomorrow is voice juries. I go at 2:50. Don't have my songs memorized. Not excited. Gonna embarrass myself. Have had many nightmares about the situation.
Finals are next week. I have 3 take home finals all due by Tuesday. One of my finals is a research paper for which I have done no research, I don't even have a topic to research. In short, I am screeeeeeeewed!!! Gahhhh!!
But anyway, I'll let my one reader (thanks Shaw) know how all this goes. And I'll give you your eighty-however many dollars soon. Maybe.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Good Morning?

I am writing right now having been up for 24 hours straight. I need to do something to keep myself awake and the tv is not yet an option as my roomies are still asleep. And so I blog. I've been up all night finishing the documentary for my documentary production class. A documentary of the Valparaiso University's Men's Basketball team. Or the Fighting Valps, as some people think we should be called, though in fact we are not. It's looking pretty good, although I can't take much credit for it since I didn't do most of the work...I can't, but I probably will...I did it all, I am amazing, I should win the Oscar RIGHT NOW. I am reeeeeallly really tired. I don't often pull all nighters. I think this is my first full fledged all nighter since I've been at college. Can't remember though. At least not right now. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow. The bright side of staying up all night was that I got McDonald's breakfast on my way home. Yummy. My documentary prod. class is in 3 hours and I can't decide whether to have two hours of sleep or none. I've heard that if you can only get two hours of sleep it's better to just get none, but I sure would like some sleep. Maybe I'll just rest my eyes for a wee bit.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Maybe I'll try this

Well hello. Just back from working at the B&N. Holiday time always means fun time in retail. Customers aren't really the problem yet, right now it's just all the dumb new people who have no idea what they're doing. I'm working again tomorrow 10-5:30. Gotta love the B&N.
I think that's enough for now. Can't go too crazy on my first real post.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Look at me with a blog

Really I just want to post comments on Chris's.