Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, December 30, 2005

Le Bored

I am posting because I am bored. Friends doesn't start for another 3 minutes, so I'll be writing for at least that long. Soon I will be heading off to Polaris to eat dinner with some blasts from the past. A few St. Charles folk are getting together for a meal. I haven't seen these people in two years, so we'll see how that goes. The last time we all got together there were about 15 people there. Tonight there will be 4 at the most, which I consider a good thing cause too many people is just too many people.
Montreal was really nice. It was also unseasonably warm (meaning in the 30s) which was good cause I wasn't cold, but not good cause it meant all the snow melted and we had to walk through slush. I don't like slush. But I still like Montreal. Pretty place. Good food. Lots of fish, which one might think would make me not like it, however, it was very good fish. For serious. I did pretty well for Christmas. Got some nice clothes and a new digital camera which I like quite a bit. It's the one from the Maria Sharapova or whatever commercial. Shaw, the loser, didn't get me anything, but he did shave off his beard which was at my request. Beards suck.
Okay that's all you get. I'm off to TGI Fridays, on a Friday night, at prime dinner time hours, so I'm sure to be eating in the next 5 hours MAYBE.


Blogger shaw said...

Dude, I TOLD you I was getting your presents later. Dammit. So there.

I'll be up late Thursday night, if all goes well (fingers crossed). C'mon Swede, I know you can do it.

11:35 PM  

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