Sit and contemplate my day

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Stop The Bus

So ok. Serious problem here. It's August 19th and I have no idea where my life is going!! I think I mention this every time I post, but I just can not get over how fast time is moving. I keep trying to figure out why it feels like things are moving so quickly and I think I might have figured it out. So this is my first full year in the working world. I started my job shortly after the normal school year would have begun, so it felt similar to starting a new fall semester. But now it just feels like I'm caught in a never ending second semester. So it's August, but I feel like it should still be May because I feel like summer never started... Maybe? Ugh. I just need to know if it's always going to feel like this. Is time going to go this fast for the rest of my life?! That's madness!!!

Alright. Just had to get that out of my system. There's really not much else to tell. Right now it's hard to remember anything I've done in the last 4ish weeks. I got an end table for my living room. Still searching for a coffee table. I have dining room chair parts (thank you Ingrid Fraser), but have yet to put them together. That'll be a goal for this week.

Geez, what else? I met Jerry Springer and Kym Johnson. That was exciting. We did a shoot for a dancing video they're making. They're both exactly how they seem on television. See! Reality TV sometimes actually is reality-like. Take that naysayers. :)

Dammit, I don't think anything else has happened. See, this is the problem: time is speeding by, but I have nothing to show for it because I don't do anything because I feel like I have no time to do anything because time is speeding by! Ahhh!

Ok, I'm going to stop typing now because I'm not making any sense, and well, I have nothing left to say anyway!

Yeah, I saw some movies. I'll tell you about them later.


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