Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, November 03, 2006

Weekly Update Time

OMG you guys. O. M. G. Things are good for Margaret this week, though the best is yet to come!!! I have been outrageously busy this week which I simply adore. Every night has been booked as I am insanely popular among all people. Just kidding. But seriously...

Monday brought with it the birth (30ish years ago...) of my beloved hair dresser and friend, Richard. To celebrate Richard's partner threw him a surprise dinner. It was all couples...and then me and Kirsten. So we decided we'd go as Oprah and Gayle. We didn't dress up or anything, but wouldn't it have been funny if we did! The dinner was at an Indian restaurant so at first I was all uh oh PUKE. But I kept an open, though terrified, mind, and I ended up really enjoying my dinner of Chicken tandoori, ordered ULTRA mild. It was a lovely night. I felt like a freaking grown up! But then the manager chided me for scooping off the icing of the birthday cake with my finger. Then I felt 12 again and all was right with the world.

Tuesday was my first rehearsal with the Lancaster Chorale. It was really awesome when I woke up on Tuesday morning with a wretched sore throat. I'm going to have to blame the Indian food. Anyway, I felt like crap all day and so rehearsal wasn't super fun, but it was ok. I remain excited to be a part of this group.

On Wednesday, the fun activity was a special screening of Borat! I got two free passes through the wonderful company I work for, so Gayle and Oprah went on another date. And now I will tell you: Borat. Is. Hilarious. It is disgusting and inappropriate and crass and ridiculously funny. Please go see it as soon as possible. Oh but not if you don't have a strong stomach for seeing fat people naked...

Thursdays are good mostly because they're Thursday. And honestly, this one didn't have a lot going for it, but since it was a Thursday during my best week ever it benefited by association. Notable happenings: I started my shadowing today. I am required to spend a certain number of hours in each department so that I will have a better understanding of what happens where. Yesterday was Operations, ie, the room with the group of guys that intimidate the crap out of me. It was a good time though, and I'm still intimidated, but maybe not debilitatingly so.

OH! I also FINALLY got my car back on Thursday. The repairs took TWO weeks, with the last week consisting of promises everyday that it would be ready "tomorrow. FOR SURE." Lying liars. But whatever, all is forgiven because I have my wonderful car back.

And that bring us to this outstanding Friday! I love today. Mostly because at 5:00 I will hop in that wonderful car and drive to the great (?) state of Indiana. I am heading back to good old Valpo for the Chorale concert. I keep hearing how amazingly good they are this year, I want to decide for myself. I also want to see everybody. I also want to stay in a La Quinta...(winky face).

More good news. This morning has been busy! Though I'm somehow managed to write out this's all about time management people! This afternoon should be busy as well. Which means it will be dessert time before I know it, and 5:00 soon thereafter. IHOPS and La Quintas are in my future, therefore nothing can go wrong. Umm...I hope.

That's all! Carry on!


Blogger Miss Ashley in HK said...

So your a very happy person, you're training for a marathon and you ate tandoori chicken. Margaret, I don't think I know you anymore. You're going to have to come out to Hong Kong so we can get reacquainted. Either that or you'll just revert back to your old self on 7-7-07.

Ps. maybe the wedding your ruined in your dreams was on 6-6-06?

9:23 AM  

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