Sit and contemplate my day

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Well hello. So not only is it October, but it's nearing the END of October. Seriously. Time is nuts. I'm sorry I haven't given you more to read, Ashley. I know you rely heavily on the entertainment of my blog since Hong Kong is so mind-numbingly boring. I'll try to do better.

So tomorrow completes my fourth week on the job. I can't really say if I love my job yet because I still haven't gotten fully into all the things I will be doing, but I can say that I love having a job to go to. Routine is great. And apparently working at Mills James Productions is kind of a big deal. We're like the best production company EVER. This side of the Mississippi...or whatever. Plus I just bought a desk organizer from staples, so now my cubicle smells of rich mahogany. My least favorite part of the job: my back is facing the entrance of my cubicle, and it never fails that my boss pops in when I'm reading the gossip page of MSN. Which I do rarely...I swear...(I'm lying)...But it's not like I read it when I'm supposed to be doing something else. The truth is I don't have enough work to fill a whole work day usually. I'm pretty sure that will change soon. But until then I read gossip and update my blog while peeking over my shoulder every minute or so making sure no one's coming to talk to me. It's a good life. I have a window. So that pretty much makes everything better. I used to have a fountain, but they seem to have turned that off for the winter.

What else about my life should I share...OH. You won't believe this, but I've decided to train for a marathon. Or a half marathon. I can't decide whether it would be better to set a realistic goal or to set a lofty goal. 26.2 miles is certainly lofty, but the thing is 13.1 is pretty lofty as well since I can run about a mile and a half right now and then I feel like I'm dying. I have a lot of work to do, to be sure. But I also have an outrageous amount of free time that I need to fill up with something other than sitting in front of my computer.

I just heard a co worker on the phone say "I was going to follow up with you," but I thought she said, "I am going to fall in love with you," and I thought, hmm that's an odd thing to say to a client. Absolutely no point to that story. I realize.

My trip to Chicago last month was lovely. It makes me so sad when I think how little I will get to see these people who are so important to me and who were such huge parts of my life for four years. But it's also nice that even though I see them rarely we can still have such great times when we're together. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for THE BIG WEDDING in July '07. And I'm the maid of honor? Yikes! Once I had a dream that I was someone's maid of honor and I ruined her whole wedding. I hope that doesn't happen in real life.

Some other things I learned (or relearned, or confirmed) in Chicago: Margaritas get me good. I made the right decision those so many months ago. The Last Kiss is the worst movie ever. I adore IHOP. Dolphins have bellybuttons.

I'm just going to keep typing for a ridiculously long time. Lunch is in half an hour, so here we go: Two weeks ago it hailed like a mofo here. I don't think I had ever seen hail before, so this was intense! Apparently, it was also intense for my car which suffered nearly $4,000 of hail damage. THAT. SUCKS. This all means that today I am without a car, and some stranger drove me to work. It wasn't horribly awkward, but it certainly wasn't comfortable. I miss my car.

And with that, I will leave you. I have just enough time to check my email, read some gossip, and check my email again before lunch. Yep. Work is great.


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