Sit and contemplate my day

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hello September

Holy crap, it's September, where is my life going?

Moving on. Look at me updating all regularillyish. Things are happening people! Apparently when you get off the couch and actually try to make things happen, there's a better chance those things might actually happen. Look at me learning. Let me tell you what's been going on this week:

So I sent off my resumes for receptionist positions at Otterbein and Mills James. Haven't heard back from Otterbein, those bitches (just kidding. Nothing but love for ya, Otterbein), but I DID hear from Mills James. Last Thursday on our drive to Washington, D.C., I received a call from the HR manager, Bob. He said he reviewed my resume and thought I might be interested in interviewing for not the receptionist position, but rather an account coordinator position. This is actually a much better job first and foremost because it is full time. So I have an interview this Thursday. I'm trying to stay relaxed, and mostly I'm doing a good job except for when I actually think about my interview. So yeah, other than that, I'm totally good.

As mentioned above, I went to D.C. this weekend. Mom and I stayed with Bill and David, and it was mostly a good time. We saw Little Miss Sunshine which was just amazingly wonderful. We also saw Quinceanera which was not as wonderful, but still good. There was more to the weekend than just movie watching, however. I was also informed about a job opportunity that just might be perfect for me. Maybe. This is a job that's jointly with Westminster Choir College and the Royal School of Church Music. The job title is Coordinator of Field Work and RSCM, I believe. To put it in Valpo terms I would be the Jaime Bachman of the Sacred Music Department. The only downside, which isn't actually so much a downside as a side that scares me, is that it would mean moving to Princeton, NJ. But I've been thinking about it: Ashley Jordan moved to HONG KONG for a job, and I'm scared about moving to New Jersey? Of course Ashley is much braver than me, but that's why I am only moving to New Jersey and not to Hong Kong. So there ya go. Of course, I'm not moving anywhere yet, but the point is I've decided to be open to the possibility.

In other news: church choir starts Thursday. Hooray for my $60.



Blogger Miss Ashley in HK said...

How wonderful! If anything what a great chip on your resume for grad school. I think you should do it, although I do crazy things, so I'm not sure if I'm good to listen to.

Speaking of Bill and David. I got a package in the mail at school today and their picture will forever grace my desk at work. I love it!

2:44 AM  

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