Sit and contemplate my day

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Margaret's Future (and the last bit of her past)

So right now I have 3 semi-real job possibilities. Meaning these are positions I've applied for that I actually think I'm qualified for and not only wouldn't mind doing, but might actually enjoy.

The first is a part time receptionist job at Mills James Productions. This is the place that I probably should be applying for the pre-professional program, but the idea of doing that almost makes me physically ill. Applying for the receptionist job is the safe thing to do and a complete cop out, but it's what I feel comfortable with right now.

Job number two is a part time receptionist job in the music office at Otterbein College. To me this sounds perfect. Basically I would be the Otterbein's equivalent to LaDonna from Valpo's office. I could totally do that. And I think it'd be fun. Plus maybe I could take lessons there, and maybe find out about performing opportunities. Who knows?

The last one is an assistant job at OSU with Kirsten's dad. This would be a full time job with benefits, so that automatically puts it in number one spot for ideal jobs. Plus I think I'm a very good assistant. I like doing things for other people. Usually they're small things, but they're things that need to get done and when I do them I feel capable and helpful. Two very good feelings.

So yes, the full time job would be the best, BUT if I end up with one of the part time jobs, I have a brilliant idea for another part time job: Doggie Day Care! I love dogs. And I know it probably involves cleaning up lots of poop, but my main problem with cleaning up poop is not having a place to put the poop. I bet they have designated places at doggie day care. This idea makes me pretty happy for now. Of course, I'll wait to find out about the other "real" jobs first.

That's my life for now. I still haven't finished updating you all on my fantabulous summer, but let's try to do that quickly. The beginning of August brought two visitors to Ohio. Ms. Vivian Rakestraw, who has abandoned us for Fredericksburg, VA, returned for a joyful homecoming. We, of course, went to the 'Bou and loitered. Just like old times. My other visitor was Jack (last name withheld, though I CAN spell it). It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows Jack that we spent the majority of his visit at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. A very fine zoo, indeed. Except for the offensive number of children and the surprising number of Mennonites...not that there's anything wrong with Mennonites....moving on... I was happy to have both of these dear friends in Ohio, and look forward to seeing each one again whenever that may be.

Other highlights: American Idols concert with Kirsten=amazing. Those kids are just wonderful performers. I went to Karaoke night for the first time ever. Sang "A Whole New World" with a stranger. Played pool with a stranger. As far as he knows, my name is Megan and I work at a bank. Aaaand, I think that's my whole summer kids. Hope you've enjoyed the recap.


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