Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, October 27, 2006

Killing time til lunch/Hooray Friday

Yo Gabba Gabba! Welcome to the latest installment of my not TOO thrilling for words, otherwise I would be done writing now, blog. I'm at work. Again. I'm here every day! It's wonderful!

So I must have some deep seeded (seated? I just checked google for "deep seeded issues" and "deep seated issues". Both came up which leads me to believe that a lot of people don't know which is right. I think it's seeded, but clearly I'm unsure. Seeded makes more sense doesn't it? Anyway...)issues because I start thinking about how great things are going for me right now and then I find myself thinking, no things suck. But then I can't really think of too many things that suck, I just won't let myself be happy! "I think I deserve this pain, but I don't!" Of course I can think of one glaring example of something that sucks. I won't go into the gory details, but basically I'm just upset that I just can't pick up all the good things I've got going here and move them to Chicago. But that's just downright un-possible, so I need to work on being happy here. To help me, here is a list of all the good things Columbus holds for me:

Good job; nice, inexpensive lodging; Robbie; Kirsten (but, sadly, not for very much longer as soon she's going to become an adult and seek her own place in the world, leaving me alone with my netflix); paid singing gigs; fun people with whom to sing (with which? Seriously wording is hard for me today, or as they would say at MJP: I'm having trouble with my verbage).

Hard to believe but that all just took me about 4 hours to write! Can you believe they made me do work. It's amazing.

To sum up: my life is good, I just need to accept it!


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