Sit and contemplate my day

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Oh it's been awhile

So yeah...long tiiiiiime. My life is a whole heck of a lot different now. Kinda out of control. I guess that's what being 3 weeks away from college graduation will do to you? I wish I was having an easy last few weeks, but alas I am NOT. Three major tv projects, one that hasn't been started yet and is due Wednesday; one senior recital, one week from today; one bio lab final that I'm gonna FAIL!; and one bio lecture final that I may get a C on, if I'm lucky! Yep...I hate my life.
I'm freaking out about a lot of things lately. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, so that sucks. All I know for now is that I have to be out of my apartment on May 28th, so I'm moving home to UA. I'm okay with that. It'll be me and Robbie, hanging out. Just like old times.
I don't know, guys...I may be depressed. Or just really tired. Hard to say.


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