Sit and contemplate my day

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Some Random

When I was a kid, I used to narrate my life as it was happening. It was in my head, so it wasn't outwardly weird, but even as I would do it I thought, why do I do this, it's so weird. "The girl walked across the bridge, heading toward the playground, wondering what more this day would throw at her." I was like, 7 years old.

I never had an imaginary friend as a child. I really wanted one, but I never saw anybody who wasn't there. I wasn't sure if the other kids who claimed to have imaginary friends actually SAW them or not, but I knew that if I claimed to have an imaginary friend I would be lying. I wonder at what point in my life I lost that strong grip on reality.

I need to learn how to cook. I've eaten dinner at Kirsten's house for the last 4 days in a row. For the other meals I eat Fruit Loops. Here are my problems: a) I am one person. Cooking for one is hard. I think. b) I hate touching raw meat. It's gross. I also worry so much that I have undercooked the meat that I can't enjoy it, I psych myself out and end up feeling sick regardless. c) I'm lazy.

I am oversensitive to a fault. I need a thicker skin.

My computer battery is about to die. That makes me sad because I would like to continue rambling. I start work on Monday. I have my outfit picked out, now I just have to worry about not embarrassing myself. Bah.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Hello friends and neighbors.

SO. Your friend Margaret has received a job offer from Mills James! Wonder of wonders. Right now I'm "thinking about it." I'm actually supposed to be giving them an answer within the next 20 minutes, but the HR guy and I are talking some numbers. I'm playing a little hardball with good old MJP. A little fact I've learned about myself: I am not good at playing hardball, I do not like playing hardball, I'm probably going to throw up in a little bit here. I love money, but talking about it just reminds me: "Shit, I'm awkward."

I do want this job though. I've admired Mills James from afar (i.e. via their website) for a long time, and I think I'll really like working there. A part of me is really sad that I won't be able to take the RSCM job, but the timing is just off. They won't be ready to hire anyone for awhile, and I'm not in a position to be turning down jobs here. And while the RSCM job would have been a great first job for me, I know this one will too. It always works out. This is what I've learned from life so far.

This means I'm staying in Columbus which brings me to more good news: I got into the Lancaster Chorale. I had pretty much given up on it since I hadn't heard anything for a few weeks, but then suddenly I got my contract in the mail. So, super. I've been listening to some of the songs they have on their website, and I'm really excited. It also helps that Mark Bilyeu is THRILLED that I've gotten into this group, and his excitement was certainly contagious!

Upcoming events: I've decided it's time I made my way back to the greater Chicagoland area, so this Friday I'm hopping in my Camry and heading out. Mari and Mike are going to be in town, so we're going to have a lovely little reunion in Wrigleyville Friday night. Then for the rest of the weekend, I thought I'd find myself a nice little La Quinta Inn and go to the zoo.

Alright, it's time I got back to my friend HR Bob. GUYS! I have a job! I'm going to have a cubicle and get to wear my amazing business suits from Banana Republic! It's a good day.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hello September

Holy crap, it's September, where is my life going?

Moving on. Look at me updating all regularillyish. Things are happening people! Apparently when you get off the couch and actually try to make things happen, there's a better chance those things might actually happen. Look at me learning. Let me tell you what's been going on this week:

So I sent off my resumes for receptionist positions at Otterbein and Mills James. Haven't heard back from Otterbein, those bitches (just kidding. Nothing but love for ya, Otterbein), but I DID hear from Mills James. Last Thursday on our drive to Washington, D.C., I received a call from the HR manager, Bob. He said he reviewed my resume and thought I might be interested in interviewing for not the receptionist position, but rather an account coordinator position. This is actually a much better job first and foremost because it is full time. So I have an interview this Thursday. I'm trying to stay relaxed, and mostly I'm doing a good job except for when I actually think about my interview. So yeah, other than that, I'm totally good.

As mentioned above, I went to D.C. this weekend. Mom and I stayed with Bill and David, and it was mostly a good time. We saw Little Miss Sunshine which was just amazingly wonderful. We also saw Quinceanera which was not as wonderful, but still good. There was more to the weekend than just movie watching, however. I was also informed about a job opportunity that just might be perfect for me. Maybe. This is a job that's jointly with Westminster Choir College and the Royal School of Church Music. The job title is Coordinator of Field Work and RSCM, I believe. To put it in Valpo terms I would be the Jaime Bachman of the Sacred Music Department. The only downside, which isn't actually so much a downside as a side that scares me, is that it would mean moving to Princeton, NJ. But I've been thinking about it: Ashley Jordan moved to HONG KONG for a job, and I'm scared about moving to New Jersey? Of course Ashley is much braver than me, but that's why I am only moving to New Jersey and not to Hong Kong. So there ya go. Of course, I'm not moving anywhere yet, but the point is I've decided to be open to the possibility.

In other news: church choir starts Thursday. Hooray for my $60.
