Sit and contemplate my day

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Margaret's Future (and the last bit of her past)

So right now I have 3 semi-real job possibilities. Meaning these are positions I've applied for that I actually think I'm qualified for and not only wouldn't mind doing, but might actually enjoy.

The first is a part time receptionist job at Mills James Productions. This is the place that I probably should be applying for the pre-professional program, but the idea of doing that almost makes me physically ill. Applying for the receptionist job is the safe thing to do and a complete cop out, but it's what I feel comfortable with right now.

Job number two is a part time receptionist job in the music office at Otterbein College. To me this sounds perfect. Basically I would be the Otterbein's equivalent to LaDonna from Valpo's office. I could totally do that. And I think it'd be fun. Plus maybe I could take lessons there, and maybe find out about performing opportunities. Who knows?

The last one is an assistant job at OSU with Kirsten's dad. This would be a full time job with benefits, so that automatically puts it in number one spot for ideal jobs. Plus I think I'm a very good assistant. I like doing things for other people. Usually they're small things, but they're things that need to get done and when I do them I feel capable and helpful. Two very good feelings.

So yes, the full time job would be the best, BUT if I end up with one of the part time jobs, I have a brilliant idea for another part time job: Doggie Day Care! I love dogs. And I know it probably involves cleaning up lots of poop, but my main problem with cleaning up poop is not having a place to put the poop. I bet they have designated places at doggie day care. This idea makes me pretty happy for now. Of course, I'll wait to find out about the other "real" jobs first.

That's my life for now. I still haven't finished updating you all on my fantabulous summer, but let's try to do that quickly. The beginning of August brought two visitors to Ohio. Ms. Vivian Rakestraw, who has abandoned us for Fredericksburg, VA, returned for a joyful homecoming. We, of course, went to the 'Bou and loitered. Just like old times. My other visitor was Jack (last name withheld, though I CAN spell it). It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows Jack that we spent the majority of his visit at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. A very fine zoo, indeed. Except for the offensive number of children and the surprising number of Mennonites...not that there's anything wrong with Mennonites....moving on... I was happy to have both of these dear friends in Ohio, and look forward to seeing each one again whenever that may be.

Other highlights: American Idols concert with Kirsten=amazing. Those kids are just wonderful performers. I went to Karaoke night for the first time ever. Sang "A Whole New World" with a stranger. Played pool with a stranger. As far as he knows, my name is Megan and I work at a bank. Aaaand, I think that's my whole summer kids. Hope you've enjoyed the recap.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Margaret's Life

Soooo where was I. Bethesda? Yeah that sucked. So after that I didn't do anything too important until it was time to return to RSCM for another year. This seriously has to be my last year. I've been saying that for a good three years now, but I mean it this time. This was quite a mediocre year. It wasn't awful, but every year has to be so dramatic for no reason. I guess you can't have 50 adolescent girls in one place and expect everything to run smoothly, but still, it's just ridiculous. Cacky and I still had an outstanding time together as we do every year. It's amazing that she's one of my oldest and dearest friends, yet over 12 years, we've only actually spent 2 months total together. Special.

And after that...well honestly, I've done very little since then. My days have all kind of run together. I wake up and wonder what day it is, then realize I have absolutely no reason to care. I had a temporary job which involved me calling people and begging them to take a political survey over the phone. The people I worked with were annoying and sad, the people I called were rude or apathetic, so overall, it was a really great experience. In all seriousness, it was easy money and I wish I could have done it longer, but oh well. I did get hit on over the phone once. This young man in Cincinnati took my survey and then asked me out. I turned him down, but I'm starting to regret it. He could have been THE ONE. Really the only bad part of the job was my annoying co-worker, an unemployed man approximately 45 years of age who resented the fact the he was working there because he had TWO Masters Degrees. Not one, but two. TWO MASTERS DEGREES. That's all I heard out of his mouth the whole time I was there. Then he would get upset when I completed more surveys than him. He even started making noise to try to distract me while I was on the phone. Neither one of his degrees was a masters in maturity, that's for damn sure.

I have been applying places in case anyone was wondering. Though I haven't actually applied anywhere I would be excited about working. But that works out well since no one has called asking me to work at any of those places. Something will happen soon, I'm 43% confident in saying. I think I'll probably apply at Barnes & Noble even though I didn't really want to go back there. I'm getting too bored to not apply.

I've been singing quite a bit. People from church choir have put together a small ensemble that is doing a bunch of early music. We're all dorks, but sometimes we sound pretty good. We have a concert a week from tonight actually. That's pretty terrifying, but I think it'll end up alright. I'm also auditioning for the Lancaster Chorale, which is a paying thing. My audition for that is Monday, so fingers crossed. And I'm officially the soprano section leader at St. Mark's. So I will be making at least $60 a week. Yep. I'm rich.

I think I'm going to stop for now. What's sad is that I could keep going with how little I've done. But I'll save it for next time! I got a drunk dial from Hong Kong today, which was very special. Thanks for the concern, but I promise I'm doing fine.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I didn't really think through the name of this blog. I mean, I'm no longer "Rockin' the 'Po" so I'm kind of writing under false pretences. And I feel guilty about that. I really do.

Hello again

Ok, it's been too long. And now that I have potentially more than one reader (welcome Ashley!), it feels a little less egotistical to have a blog. Though, actually, it still does feel egotistical because I'm not doing anything interesting at all. I got Netflix! That's really been the highlight of my summer. No need to tell me that's sad, believe me, I'm well aware. But anyway, I'll just take you through some of the things I've been doing since that horrible day of May 21, 2006 when they handed me my diploma and ruined my life:

I'm back home in wonderful Upper Arlington, OH with my wonderful dog, Robbie. It really is nice because I'm living here rent free and my mother is out of town 5 days a week, so it's almost like living alone. I did a bit of traveling at the beginning of the summer. First up was a trip to Chicago where I stayed with Ann and Brianna in their lovely apartment. For about 3 minutes I entertained the idea of moving into the apartment downstairs from them. That ended when I realized there was no way I could afford it on my Lincoln Park Zoo Birthday Party Coordinator salary, and also when someone else moved into "my apartment" that weekend. Heart-breaking really, but mostly I'm over it now. Though eventually, I think a move to Chicago might be nice.

After Chicago, I made the trek down to Rural Hall, North Carolina to spend Father's Day with the old man. It was really nice because it had been at least 12 years since the last time I was with my father on Father's Day. And it was nice because my brothers Chris and Shaw were there as well. I know it meant a lot to Dad. So it was sweet.

The lovely weekend in North Carolina was followed immediately by the week from hell in Bethesda, Maryland. I had agreed to help at a music day camp because I had nothing else to do, and a lot of people had said nice things about me to the woman who was running the camp, and she sounded really desperate. It was a week of singing, African drumming, and hand chiming for kids who wouldn't have the opportunity to do that stuff on a regular basis. The problem was they didn't really want to have that opportunity so they hated the camp, they hated me, and I hated them right back. D.C. was nice though. I didn't have to pay for anything all week, and I got to spend time with the step-brother, Josh. Usually I only hang out with him on Thanksgiving Day for a couple of hours. Really I don't see my family nearly enough. This is a problem.

I'm going to stop for now because this is too ridiculously long for having nothing important to talk about. Maybe I'll be back in a month or so to talk about the rest of my summer up until now. We'll see.