Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, November 10, 2006

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

Welcome. Let's just get right into it shall we?

No one likes a gloater. Karma put me back in my place: This. Week. Sucked. It started off bad and never managed to climb out of the pit. That's what happens when the first 45 minutes of your Monday work day include a stern talking to. Yes Margaret messed up at work this week. I dropped the ball. I am mad at myself. My boss is over it, but I, as many of you may know, have trouble letting things go! But I'm going to work on getting better at that by not talking about it anymore! It really is only a big deal in my head so we'll just leave it alone there until it goes away. Healthy? Sure!

Let's talk about last weekend because that was glorious. I traveled to Valparaiso, Indiana, home of the Fighting Valps. The drive up there was moderately torturous, but I made it in one piece, in fairly good time, bad traffic considered. The La Quinta Inn in Merrillville did not have a lot of things going for it. It smelled quite bad and it only offered three pillows. Now that's just ridiculous. Who needs three pillows?! Pillows should be offered up in numbers divisible by two otherwise it only presents problems. But oh well. There were good things. Namely the gummy bears and the gummy bear provider.

Saturday was a very interesting day filled with Sandhill Cranes, Mexican food, and lovely sing songs.

Sandhill Cranes: Jack and I made our way to Medaryville, IN to see thousands and thousands of sandhill cranes congregate in a field at dusk. Here's an example of something I did to appease a friend that turned out to be pretty fun for me too. Nice when it works out like that! I've tried about 800 times to post a link to more info on Sandhill Cranes, but it's just not working. So for more info on Sandhill Cranes, please go to google and knock yourself out. (Side note: if anyone knows how to make links appear, please help a sister out. Thank you.)

Mexican Food: I joined the Harms sisters, Brianna Hathaway, Mark Bilyeu, and Marcus Chaffee for a lovely dinner at El Salto. I'm a big fan of all those people and hot damn does El Salto make some good fajitas! There was laughter and inexplicable tears, and it was a wonderful time.

Sing Songs: At the Chorale concert, there was laughter and explicable tears. It was a wonderful concert, but it sucked to not be singing in it. I'll admit it: I MISS CHORALE. And don't tell anyone but I even miss Dr. Cock. I know I'm getting paid to sing in choirs now, but sometimes even that isn't enough to overcome singing under directors who just aren't as good as what you're used to. Ha, but the money helps for sure...Anyway, I was just really proud of them. Like a proud Momma.

Like all good things, however, the weekend had to end. After dragging myself away from the smelly La Quinta, I hit I-65 where I drove for no more than 3 miles before my check engine light came on. And it was all downhill from there. I managed to make it home without exploding, but I still haven't found a time to get that checked out. That's on the list for sure.

What does next week have in store for me? Who knows?! My future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you!

Happy Trails.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Weekly Update Time

OMG you guys. O. M. G. Things are good for Margaret this week, though the best is yet to come!!! I have been outrageously busy this week which I simply adore. Every night has been booked as I am insanely popular among all people. Just kidding. But seriously...

Monday brought with it the birth (30ish years ago...) of my beloved hair dresser and friend, Richard. To celebrate Richard's partner threw him a surprise dinner. It was all couples...and then me and Kirsten. So we decided we'd go as Oprah and Gayle. We didn't dress up or anything, but wouldn't it have been funny if we did! The dinner was at an Indian restaurant so at first I was all uh oh PUKE. But I kept an open, though terrified, mind, and I ended up really enjoying my dinner of Chicken tandoori, ordered ULTRA mild. It was a lovely night. I felt like a freaking grown up! But then the manager chided me for scooping off the icing of the birthday cake with my finger. Then I felt 12 again and all was right with the world.

Tuesday was my first rehearsal with the Lancaster Chorale. It was really awesome when I woke up on Tuesday morning with a wretched sore throat. I'm going to have to blame the Indian food. Anyway, I felt like crap all day and so rehearsal wasn't super fun, but it was ok. I remain excited to be a part of this group.

On Wednesday, the fun activity was a special screening of Borat! I got two free passes through the wonderful company I work for, so Gayle and Oprah went on another date. And now I will tell you: Borat. Is. Hilarious. It is disgusting and inappropriate and crass and ridiculously funny. Please go see it as soon as possible. Oh but not if you don't have a strong stomach for seeing fat people naked...

Thursdays are good mostly because they're Thursday. And honestly, this one didn't have a lot going for it, but since it was a Thursday during my best week ever it benefited by association. Notable happenings: I started my shadowing today. I am required to spend a certain number of hours in each department so that I will have a better understanding of what happens where. Yesterday was Operations, ie, the room with the group of guys that intimidate the crap out of me. It was a good time though, and I'm still intimidated, but maybe not debilitatingly so.

OH! I also FINALLY got my car back on Thursday. The repairs took TWO weeks, with the last week consisting of promises everyday that it would be ready "tomorrow. FOR SURE." Lying liars. But whatever, all is forgiven because I have my wonderful car back.

And that bring us to this outstanding Friday! I love today. Mostly because at 5:00 I will hop in that wonderful car and drive to the great (?) state of Indiana. I am heading back to good old Valpo for the Chorale concert. I keep hearing how amazingly good they are this year, I want to decide for myself. I also want to see everybody. I also want to stay in a La Quinta...(winky face).

More good news. This morning has been busy! Though I'm somehow managed to write out this's all about time management people! This afternoon should be busy as well. Which means it will be dessert time before I know it, and 5:00 soon thereafter. IHOPS and La Quintas are in my future, therefore nothing can go wrong. Umm...I hope.

That's all! Carry on!