Sit and contemplate my day

Monday, December 01, 2008

Oh hi!

Well hot damn, it's been over a year! Where is my life going? One year later and that is still an ever present question. It's nice to know that some things will never change, eh?!

So how've you been? I've been well. Busy sometimes, not busy other times. A nice balance really. There's no way I'm going to be able to recount the details of the whole past year, so I'll just try to give an overview and maybe touch on a few highlights.

Let's see... I spent New Year's Eve in Chi-town with the most awesomest Valpo crew ever. Reuniting is so fun. And adorable pictures were taken. Please reference facebook.

In February, Kirsten and I enjoyed a production of Jesus Christ Superstar starring Mr. Ted Neeley aka JESUS. OMG. It was amazing. He's like 90 years old but he can still rock.

I've really been enjoying my not-so-new role at MJP. It's been about a year now and I like the people, I like the work, so things are good! In the past year I've travelled to Orlando (a bunch), Tucson and Nashville for work which is always super fun. I've also gotten to spend a great deal of time at the Columbus Convention Center and the Aladdin Shrine Center. Talk about awesome.

My hair is back to it's regular color for all those who were worried about that (I'm talking to you Mike Scott; I know it was keeping you up at night).

I'm still loving my apartment. Big news for the year there is that I got cable and (legal) internet! Is DVR the most amazing invention ever?! I submit that yes, it is.

I took a few trips over the summer making stops in Chicago to see the awesome people again, Memphis to see Caroline (and Elvis), and Boston to see Auntie Sarah and the other Caroline in my life, a one Ms. Harvey. Good times everywhere.

While I was in Chicago, I went to Lollapalooza for a day. That was an experience. So many people, it was unreal. but I saw a lot of good peeps. My day went like this, if I remember correctly (it feels like it was 3 years ago): The Blakes, Kid Sister, The Whigs, Brazilian Girls, Black Kids, G. Love and Special Sauce, Blues Traveller, Gnarls Barkley, The National, and Nine Inch Nails. It was quite a full day. But I'm happy to say I didn't have to use a Port-a-potty once. I rock.

So I quit Netflix which might make you worry that I won't have any completely out of date movie reviews to give, but worry not. I started spending time with someone special and he threatened to break up with me when he found out I had never seen any of the Star Wars movies. So now I've seen Episodes 4-6, and you know what? They're pretty dang entertaining. So there you go. Also, go see Role Models.

My last post was right after Thanksgiving, the day after the LC concert. And wouldn't you know it, THIS post is right after Thanksgiving, the day after the LC concert. Weird. I spent T-day in North Carolina, as per usual. It was a little more low key this year as not everyone was able to make it home, but the food was as awesome as ever so I felt pretty good about it all. Missed the step-bros and nephew Caleb though!

I feel the same as I always do about the concert: I got paid so hooray! Lancaster is going to own my soul for the next two weeks though cause we're doing the same concert we did yesterday next weekend in Chillicothe (ask me for details! You KNOW you want to come. Ha.), and then we're doing like a million (or 2) concerts with Pro-Musica the weekend after that. It's a good thing I like to sing (for money).

Let's see, what else? Everyone I know has had a birthday, so thank you all for being born.

And that brings us to now! I hope you've enjoyed my year in review. Now come visit me cause I have a pull out sofa that no one has appreciated and that's crap.

Ok byeeeeeeee.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'll update your Mom's blog. Hey-ohhh!

"Update your blog" I was told so here I am.

Hey! How's everyone doing? I'm aiiight. Same shit, different day if you will. I haven't updated in a long time because I feel like nothing has happened in a long time. But it's been 4 months so surely something must have happened, right? Let's take a look back in time...

July: One thing I forgot to mention when I was talking about July was the fact that I got a bit of a hair cut. I cut my hair short and dyed it brown. Something I've wanted to do for 5 years, but never thought I would actually do. I knew some people would be like Whyyyyy? People dye their hair so they can have your natural color!! Whyyyyy did you change it??? And to those people I say: look, number 1: it's hair. Calm down. Number 2: Here's the thing -- for years, I've been used to things changing every few months -- class schedules change, teachers change, people change. Every time there was a new semester, there was a change, and you know what? I HATED that change. I would get so upset that I wasn't going to see the people I was used to seeing every day. It sucked. But now I don't have that change every few months. Everything is the same. Work every day 8:30-5:30, same co-workers (not to say I don't enjoy most of them), same clients, same desk, same everything. And here's where things might get confusing: Nothing changed and the fact that nothing changed was a change from what I was used to and I hate change. So I had to change something so that things would change and therefore not change.

And if you understood that, you're probably my soul mate so please give me a call; we should probably get married.

August: Spent most of it freaking out about how fast time was going (see previous post), and then I went to Boston. I sure do like Boston. I think I should probably move there, but that's not going to happen any time soon. I spent a few days in the city. I wanted to tour some schools, but I ended up only looking at one: New England Conservatory. It seemed nice enough, except the kid giving the tour really didn't seem too excited about anything. He was like, "Uhh this is a classroom. It's pretty much like any other classroom... Uhhh this is a practice room. You can, like, practice in here, I guess." So yeah, he was kinda bored therefore I was kinda bored. I tried to take a tour of Longy but they were "too busy." Pffft. Whatevs.

Also, I gave blood for the first time. That's right, I saved three lives. You're friends with a hero.

September: The month flew by, of course, as all time does. Biggest event of September was that I went to Orlando for the VS Conference. It. Was. Awesome. Long days, not a lot of sleeping, but it was seriously the best work week I've ever had. And I did a good job because it led to some changes at work which I will discuss when we hit the month of November. Stay tuned!!

While I was in Orlando, Vivian sneakily moved off to NYC. Not cool man. Not cool.

October: In October, my singing friends and I gave our concert we prepared during the summer. We did a concert of all Victoria pieces. Being a part of the group really reminded me of what a nerd I am. I just freaking love to sing choral music. I feel like most people probably think that's a weird thing to freaking love, and I, too, think it's rather odd, but I just can't get over it. Nor do I have to because I've found people who freaking love it as much as I do. And that's very nice. A big thank you to all those wonderful people.

Caroline came to visit -slash- recruit people for her weird cult she calls "Rhodes College" in October. Lovely to see her as always, except I got her a present in Orlando and I forgot to give it to her, which is probably the worst thing to ever happen in the history of the world. Ever.

October also hosts this little holiday we like to call "Halloween" which I celebrated right nice this year. Kirsten and I, who never have any parties to go to, actually had to attend THREE parties in ONE night. She was dressed as an Indian (dots, not feathers, but still completely respectful of culture and history), and I was a Devil with a blue dress (blue dress, blue dress), Devil with a blue dress on (have mercy). It was a seriously fun night. I didn't want it to end, but this was the Saturday before Halloween, and I'm a dork who has to work on Sunday mornings. Lame. Still, it was awesome. Until actual Halloween, when I bought a crap ton of candy and got NO trick-or-treaters.

November: Yay! That's THIS month. Kirsten, as some of you may remember, was born in November so there was much celebrating to be done in honor of this. We had a lovely dinner with The Fam at Martini on the actual birhtday night which was D to the E to the L I C I O U S. And on Wednesday we had our normal Don Pablo's night, but with a twist because we added Libby and met peeps for coffee later. They were all political peeps, so I just sat back and enjoyed the gossip about people I don't know which is never in short supply when that group gets together. It was a fine few days of celebration.

Also, I gave blood again. Saved 3 more lives and got a totally awesome bruise.

Last week I travelled down to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. Man I love Thanksgiving. This year was pretty cool because normally I have two Thanksgiving dinners to go to ON Thanksgiving which means I eat a lot at the first one and then can barely enjoy anything at the second one. But THIS year I had one totally awesome Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving and then the second totally awesome Thanksgiving on Friday (i.e. the day AFTER Thanksgiving). Much easier for the tummy. And of course it's not just about the food, it's also about, like, being with family and stuff, and that was cool too.

Lancaster Chorale held its annual "Way Too Early For A Christmas Concert" Christmas Concert yesterday. It went fine, I got paid, everyone is happy.

An important shout out to Ann Harms who was born today 24 years ago. Oh my god. Is that right? Are we all turning 24 now??? That's ridonkulous. But nevertheless, Happy Birthday, Ann!

And now for the work news: today is my last day as an Account Coordinator for MJP! Starting tomorrow I will officially be a Production Assistant in Corporate Events. We are very excited that this is finally happening. The seed was planted with the first VS Conference in July, it grew to be a bud with the September conference, and tomorrow it gets to bloom into a beautiful flower. I know, I'm so poetic. Don't be jealous. I'd also like to point out that on my last days as an Account Coordinator, I'm wearing the same sweater I wore on my first day as an Account Coordinator. How that's for symmetry!

On a sad note, November also saw the passing of Trouble Fraser, Beagle Extraordinaire. Old Man Trouble was a fine animal and he will certainly be missed. Trouble, I hope you've found a sweet piece of ass to hump in Doggie Heaven. We will think of you fondly and often.

So that brings us to present time. You probably think that means this post is almost done, but you could not be more wrong. We have tons of movies to talk about.

(Real quickly though, I just want to share with you the scare I just had. I went away from the blogger website for a minute and when I came back, it looked like nothing from this post had saved since I started talking about September! How tragic would that have been?! Anyhoo, movies...)

A Room With A View & St. Elmo's Fire: whoops, had them for a month a never watched them. My bad.
Extras Season 2: Frickin' hilarious. Watch the episode with Harry Potter. You won't regret it.
Arrested Development Seasons 1, 2, & 3: So ridiculous that I absolutely could not stop watching. And then I had to. Because there were no more episodes.
The Office Season 3: I know I jumped on this bandwagon late, but MAN am I happy to be on it.
The Big Chill: I would totally let Kevin Kline be the father of my baby.
An Affair To Remember: Meh.
Secretary: This movie made me so uncomfortable and I hated it until the end when suddenly I absolutely loved it.
From Here To Eternity: Did you know this movie is NOT about two people making out on a beach? What a bummer. Side note: Montgomery Clift is HOT.
Cold Mountain: UGH! Spoiler Alert: He can survive like 8 different bomb blasts, but can't survive one little gun shot wound?! Yeah... still loved it though.
Just Like Heaven: Precious.
Daddy's Little Girls: I put this in the queue because the "Little Girls" looked funny. And they were, but mostly it sucked.
Evan Almighty: Cute, but not 200 million dollars cute.
Becoming Jane: Another one of those movies (like Cold Mountain) where I KNEW it was going to end unhappily but was still really upset when it did.

Well, alright. I think that's it. If you're still reading, well done you. It's been real!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Stop The Bus

So ok. Serious problem here. It's August 19th and I have no idea where my life is going!! I think I mention this every time I post, but I just can not get over how fast time is moving. I keep trying to figure out why it feels like things are moving so quickly and I think I might have figured it out. So this is my first full year in the working world. I started my job shortly after the normal school year would have begun, so it felt similar to starting a new fall semester. But now it just feels like I'm caught in a never ending second semester. So it's August, but I feel like it should still be May because I feel like summer never started... Maybe? Ugh. I just need to know if it's always going to feel like this. Is time going to go this fast for the rest of my life?! That's madness!!!

Alright. Just had to get that out of my system. There's really not much else to tell. Right now it's hard to remember anything I've done in the last 4ish weeks. I got an end table for my living room. Still searching for a coffee table. I have dining room chair parts (thank you Ingrid Fraser), but have yet to put them together. That'll be a goal for this week.

Geez, what else? I met Jerry Springer and Kym Johnson. That was exciting. We did a shoot for a dancing video they're making. They're both exactly how they seem on television. See! Reality TV sometimes actually is reality-like. Take that naysayers. :)

Dammit, I don't think anything else has happened. See, this is the problem: time is speeding by, but I have nothing to show for it because I don't do anything because I feel like I have no time to do anything because time is speeding by! Ahhh!

Ok, I'm going to stop typing now because I'm not making any sense, and well, I have nothing left to say anyway!

Yeah, I saw some movies. I'll tell you about them later.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh hey, remember when I used to keep a blog?

Well, look at that. It's been a while. Whoops.

I probably shouldn't even try to recap everything that's happened in the last 3 months, but too bad for you cause I'm gonna! Yaaaay!

May: May was awesome. It was my first month in my totally awesome and kickass apartment, which from now on I will just refer to as "apartment" to save time. In short, it's a totally wonderful place and I'm in love with it. And I even have some of the stuff I listed in the previous post. I'm still lacking a lot in the kitchen area, but I really only use the microwave so it's been alright.

May also held in it my 23rd birthday! Hooray I'm old. There was a medium amount of celebration. Kirsten and I attended the 20th Anniversary showing of Dirty Dancing. Hot damn that's a good movie. And watching it with 200 hundred people who love it just as much as I do was simply wonderful.

Other rocking May experiences include -
Champions on Ice: "Love me some figure skating. Hate me some bitches."
Karaoke for Dennis's birthday: "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon."
One year anniversary of being a college graduate: "Holy hell, where is my life going?!"
Chicago for Mari's bachelorette festivities: ... I don't really have any funny quotes, but man it sure was a lovely weekend.

June: I blinked and pretty much missed all of June. All I can remember is there was a lot of working and not a lot of sitting around time. I had my first experience with the new airline Skybus. I flew down to North Carolina for a few days for about $40 bucks. Not too shabby. I have no complaints. Oh except for the absurb amount of children on my flight. Man I hate kids.

What else happened in June? Oh yes, my five year high school reunion. Now that was pretty amazing. My dear friends Caroline, Vivian, Kirsten, and I attended this special event together. The invitation said 7pm - 10pm, so we show up at about 7:45. Well that wasn't even close to being fashionably late enough. There were about 6 people there when we got there. All guys, none our friends... We took one look around the room and then high tailed it to the bar to fulfill our drink tickets. Then we set up camp in a corner and pretended that we HADN'T been speaking to each other every day for the last five years: "OH MY GOD, CAROLINE!!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN????" It was pretty awesome. Slowly the room started to fill up with familiar (and completely unfamiliar) faces, and we made our way out of corner to be social. The 7 vodka drinks definitely helped me. It helped everyone actually. Because, really, no one had changed much in 5 years, but the presence of alcohol made everyone seem a lot friendlier. Honestly I had a really good time and was only slightly embarrassed when I woke up the next morning.

One thing happening throughout May and June was the company softball season. Straight up, I suck at softball. I can't catch! I have bad depth perception ok!! It's a learning disability and I'm trying to work through it, but it's hard. Thankfully, the season is over now. (Shockingly, we did not make it into the playoffs with our 2-8 record.) I did have one game where I got two hits though, so I'll cherish that memory for quite a while.

That bring us to July! Now we all know what the big event in July was: MARI AND MIKE'S WEDDING! In a word, it was perfect. It was just wonderful and classy and beautiful and perfect! I was very pleased, and you know what? I think Mari and Mike were a little happy themselves. It was a great weekend. Now we need someone else to get married next summer so we can all have another reunion. Who is going to step up and take one for the team??? Not it. Ashley is the one who caught the bouquet (DIVED for it actually!!!), so I think it's on you babe.

Ooh, we're almost caught up to present time!!! Isn't that exciting?!

Last week, I got the chance to work on a live event for Victoria's Secret! Don't be too impressed, it was just a District Managers Conference, not a fashion show, but it was still a big deal for me! I got to get out of the office and work a hell of a lot of hours, but it was totally awesome. I'm really ready to move out of the Account Services side of things, and while this doesn't actually mean any kind of promotion, it's a step in the right direction. Baby steps, y'all. Soon I'll own the whole company. :)

Before I leave you all with some totally pertinent movie reviews, I would like to also mention Caroline King had a totally awesome birthday which we celebrated with a parade and fireworks (like you do). Thanks for being born, Caroline. I appreciate you.

Alrighty, here we go! Movie time:

All About Eve and Some Like It Hot: These movies sat in their Netflix envelopes for a whole month before I gave up and returned them. I feel bad cause I'm sure they're both very good. Sorry movies.
Mannequin: One of my faves from childhood. Just as bad as it was then and I still love it.
Happy Feet: If this movie had only had baby penguins singing pop songs for 2 hours, I would have liked it a lot better.
Raising Helen: Cute.
Fantastic Four: I watched this movie while making deviled eggs, so I didn't see very much of it which might explain why I didn't hate it.
Flashdance: Holy crap this movie sucked.
The Office: Season 1: Hilarious
The Office: Season 2: Even more hilarious. And yep, I'm in love with Jim.
Amadeus: That Mozart kid, I really think he's gonna go places. Keep an eye on him.
Junebug: I think the point of this movie was to depress the shit out of me. And it did. So good job, Junebug.
Moonstruck: I love Cher. And Nicolas Cage. And yeah, I'm embarrassed about that.
Kramer vs. Kramer: I love Dustin Hoffman, but when he gets all agitated and yells, I can't understand a word that comes out of his mouth.
Ocean's 13: Loved it.
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End: Saw it once, liked it. Went to see it again, LOVED it.
Knocked Up: I think I'm the only person in the world who did not like this movie. And I feel really bad about that.

So yeah, that's my life. See you in a few months maybe? Ok, bye now!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Super duper news

Congratulate your friend Margaret. She has taken a giant leap into adulthood: I'm developing a drinking problem! No, wait. That's not true. I'm getting an apartment! It's a lovely one bedroom that lies about 2 minutes from my office. If I am sitting at my desk, looking out my window, I can see my lovely little development. Luckily, I can't see my office from my own apartment. I think that's a good thing. I can move as soon as I can find the time to move. Now there's the problem... I never seem to have any time. I'll probably start moving in shifts this weekend. Though really the only thing I know I'm taking with me from the house is my bed. And Robbie. I am in the market to buy a lot of things. Here's my list:

coffee table
end table
small dining room table
shower curtain
wall art

Yowzas. That's lots of stuff.

I'm currently in the process of trying to convince my mother that she should pay me child support for Robbie. It makes perfect sense to me, but when I brought it up with her she thought I was kidding. I'm not kidding! Finding an apartment that will allow dogs and is also NOT disgusting is very, very hard. And not cheap. If I was just looking for a place for Margaret, I could have found a nice place that didn't allow dogs for cheaper than my nice place that does allow dogs. Now, I love Robbie more than I could love a human baby, but I don't understand how a dog that we got as a family when I was 14 has, all of a sudden, become my complete responsibility. To get all psychiatrical (totally thought I was making that word up, but it turns out I'm not) on you for a minute, this is what I think is going on: A couple of years ago my mother took a job that requires her to travel 5 days of the week. When I was at Valpo, this meant that Robbie was either staying with his Auntie Kirsten during the week or staying at the kennel. Instead of allowing herself to feel any of the guilt of abandoning the dog, my mother placed all the guilt entirely on me. "Why can't Robbie live with you in your apartment in Valpo?" "Why can't he live at one of the fraternity houses?" "Why can't he live with one of your professors?" "I guess you don't really love Robbie, I guess we're going to have to give him away." I allowed all this guilt to be placed on me, as if it were actually my fault that the dog was at the kennel more than he was at home. I felt so guilty that I didn't even think about moving anywhere else after college except home to take care of my dog. (Not that I had so many other options, but shut up.) When I made it clear that I wanted to move to my own place, I was "abandoning" the dog again and proving once again that I don't love the dog, and blah blah blah. So I looked hard and eventually found a livable place that accepted Robbies. Anyways, I could go on, but I don't think any of us want me to, so I'll stop. Long story short: My mother is making me feel guilty so she doesn't have to, and I don't think that's any bit of fair. She should feel guilty and she should alleviate that guilt by paying child support.

So yeah... apartment is the most exciting story as of late. But I will fill you in on the slightly less exciting, but still totally awesome, details of my life.

I have been a plane ticket buying fiend lately. I'm heading up to Chicago for Memorial Day weekend (hopefully for some bachelorette activities), down to North Carolina for Father's Day (for $40, thank you Skybus!!), and up to Minneapolis via Chicago for the big wedding! It was actually cheaper for me to buy a plane ticket to Chicago and a separate plane ticket to Minneapolis than it was to fly directly from Columbus to Minneapolis. If that's not whack, I don't know what is. In any case, I'm v. excited for all upcoming trips.

Guess who has visited the capital city in the last month: Vivian! And Caroline! Though not at the same time cause that would have been too convenient. Both were here for, like, 5 seconds, but it was still very nice. And Vivian is coming back for the summer. It will be so confusing (what year is this?!?), yet wonderful.

Now for a segment of Margaret and Kirsten Appreciate the Arts: my colleague, Kirsten, and I made a trek to Hamilton Township High School to take in a show of Fiddler on the Roof. My friend, Heather, is a choir director at Hamilton which is actually why we went to this show. We're not totally creepy. Only somewhat. Anyway, it was hilarious. Though not intentionally. Whoops.

Margaret and Kirsten Appreciate the Arts, part II: Andrew Bird came to our fair city to put on a show at the Southern Theatre. That guy just amazes me. If you ever get the chance to see him in concert, please don't hesitate. Buy your tickets, you won't regret it. He's so weird. Like a mad scientist. But with a violin. And an amazing ability to whistle. His opening act was Cortney Tidwell. If you ever get the chance to see her in concert, hesitate. Hold off on buying your ticket. See if anyone invites you for free, and then go only if you have absolutely nothing else to do.

Margaret goes to the online video store:
Shortbus - I watched this alone and I still felt awkward. But that's probably just because I'm ridiculously immature.
Half Baked - Crap.
You, Me and Dupree - Multiple piles of crap.
Stranger than Fiction - Better than Good.
Blades of Glory - My feelings for Amy Poehler are no secret. Brills.
Music & Lyrics - Drew Barrymore almost didn't ruin this movie for me. But then she did. However, Kristin Johnson: hilarious.
Extras: Season 1 - Pee my pants funny.

Well this feels like it's been a ridiculously long post. I need a nap.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Me again!

Hiiiii friends! What is up? Clearly not much here as it has been a month and a half since my last post. I know what you've all been missing the most is my excellent movie reviews, so I'll just get right to those:

Shampoo: AFI says it's in the top 100 funniest movies. To AFI I say: Sham. Poo. Ugh, not good.
Being John Malkovich: Hot damn is Charlie Kaufman one crazy guy. Good movie though.
The Way We Were: All men are scum, even Robert Redford.
Manhattan: All women are scum, even Diane Keaton.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask: Hilarious. I think I like Woody Allen best in short segments.
Thank You For Smoking: This is what we in THE BIZ like to call "a movie I will soon own on DVD."

That's not as many movies as it should be. I was kind of a Netflix slacker this last month. I'm embarrassed.

Anyhoo... what else? My indoor soccer season ended, sadly. I mean it didn't end SADLY, but I was SAD that it ENDED. It actually ended quite well: 4 game winning streak and the team's first winning season ever! Not too bad for a bunch of people over 30... Next up in team sports is the Mills James softball team. I have a slight fear that this won't be as much fun because I REALLY suck at softball, but hopefully my team won't hate me because of that. Fingers crossed.

Other events since I last wrote: Kirsten and I went to see Justin Timberlake in concert. It. Was. Awesome. Don't laugh, I'm serious. That young man is quite the performer. I also think it's impossible not to love him after watching him on SNL. He's, like, a total genius.

Lancaster Chorale had a performance. We were supposed to have two, but one was turned in to an open rehearsal since two of our other rehearsals were cancelled due to weather. The open rehearsal was kind of blah, but the performance went really well. We have one more concert in May which, honestly, I'm not thrilled about. We haven't started rehearsals yet, so hopefully my opinion will change, but the music looks L A M E. I'll keep you posted.

Kirsten and I did our part to support the arts in Upper Arlington when we attended UAHS's production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Can I just say: it was amazing. SO amazing. We lurrrved it. We continue to look back on the evening with fondness and wonderment. And we appreciate it all the more after the crap "professional" musical we saw a few weeks later: "A Light in the Piazza"... NOT amazing. We did NOT lurrrve it. Seriously. It blew.

I recently celebrated my six monthaversary with Mills James. Our love is not what it once was, but I suppose we're hanging in there. Hey, no relationship is perfect, am I right?! Let's just say if New Jersey comes calling me any time soon, I'm outta here.

The time since my last post has also been a big time for birthdays of people I love!!! Let me give it for: MARI MAYE! ASHLEY! SHAWBIE! VIVIAN! Honestly, thank gawwwd you peeps were born.

I guess that's the last month a half... how odd. Time keeps on tickin tickin tickin, don't it! Which, right now, I consider a good thing because it's time for me to leave work. Hooray!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Working" from Home

So... I hate snow. Well, I hate snow when it interferes with my life, and THAT is exactly what it is doing as of late. I am currently at home because my car is stuck at the end of the driveway. My arms hurt from shoveling, shoveling sucks, boo shoveling. I've told the office that I'm going to try to make it in for the afternoon, but, honestly, I think it would be pointless.

Snow has also uhffected (I've decided I'm going to give up figuring out whether I'm supposed to say affected or effected, so instead I will say uhffected always) the Lancaster Chorale schedule. Rehearsal was cancelled last Tuesday and last night. Our concert may end up being postponed. Which would suck. Cause I like to sing. For money.

Anyhoo... what else have I been up to in the last month? My job is still ridiculously busy (except for today, cause everybody is stuck at home and all the businesses are closed), and no me gusta. Is there such thing as a 4 month slump? Cause I am in it. Here's hoping I snap out of that soon, perhaps in 11 days when I celebrate my 5 monthaversary. I'll keep you posted.

Latest new activity: my co-worker's husband's company has a co-ed (over 30) indoor soccer team which I am now a part of. Love love love it. It takes me back to the glory days of Swarks floor hockey. Go team.

Also, my trip to Chicago was fantastic. We found dresses!! They. Are. Perfect. They're from Ann Taylor, and they're green, and they're perfect. Dress day started off really badly, though. We went to Macy's first, which was just horrible. I was not at all hopeful that we would be successful. Then we went to Ann Taylor and it was just magical. Can't wait for 7-7-07.

And now it is time for Margaret's Movie Reviews, just as timely as ever:
16 Candles- Hilarious. And now I get the references made in so many other movies. Special.
Win a Date With Tad Hamilton- I would not kick Topher Grace out of bed, that's for damn sure.
Stick It- This was no Bring It On, but still funny. There should be more movies about gymnastics.
Kinsey- Very...educational.
Friends With Money- I liked this a lot! Except the writer thought it was over a lot earlier than I did.
Like Water for Chocolate- Um. Not good.
Step Up- Sorry, Caroline, but I HATED this!
Gosford Park- I had to watch it with subtitles, but I still enjoyed it.

Alright then, back to "work."