Sit and contemplate my day

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'll update your Mom's blog. Hey-ohhh!

"Update your blog" I was told so here I am.

Hey! How's everyone doing? I'm aiiight. Same shit, different day if you will. I haven't updated in a long time because I feel like nothing has happened in a long time. But it's been 4 months so surely something must have happened, right? Let's take a look back in time...

July: One thing I forgot to mention when I was talking about July was the fact that I got a bit of a hair cut. I cut my hair short and dyed it brown. Something I've wanted to do for 5 years, but never thought I would actually do. I knew some people would be like Whyyyyy? People dye their hair so they can have your natural color!! Whyyyyy did you change it??? And to those people I say: look, number 1: it's hair. Calm down. Number 2: Here's the thing -- for years, I've been used to things changing every few months -- class schedules change, teachers change, people change. Every time there was a new semester, there was a change, and you know what? I HATED that change. I would get so upset that I wasn't going to see the people I was used to seeing every day. It sucked. But now I don't have that change every few months. Everything is the same. Work every day 8:30-5:30, same co-workers (not to say I don't enjoy most of them), same clients, same desk, same everything. And here's where things might get confusing: Nothing changed and the fact that nothing changed was a change from what I was used to and I hate change. So I had to change something so that things would change and therefore not change.

And if you understood that, you're probably my soul mate so please give me a call; we should probably get married.

August: Spent most of it freaking out about how fast time was going (see previous post), and then I went to Boston. I sure do like Boston. I think I should probably move there, but that's not going to happen any time soon. I spent a few days in the city. I wanted to tour some schools, but I ended up only looking at one: New England Conservatory. It seemed nice enough, except the kid giving the tour really didn't seem too excited about anything. He was like, "Uhh this is a classroom. It's pretty much like any other classroom... Uhhh this is a practice room. You can, like, practice in here, I guess." So yeah, he was kinda bored therefore I was kinda bored. I tried to take a tour of Longy but they were "too busy." Pffft. Whatevs.

Also, I gave blood for the first time. That's right, I saved three lives. You're friends with a hero.

September: The month flew by, of course, as all time does. Biggest event of September was that I went to Orlando for the VS Conference. It. Was. Awesome. Long days, not a lot of sleeping, but it was seriously the best work week I've ever had. And I did a good job because it led to some changes at work which I will discuss when we hit the month of November. Stay tuned!!

While I was in Orlando, Vivian sneakily moved off to NYC. Not cool man. Not cool.

October: In October, my singing friends and I gave our concert we prepared during the summer. We did a concert of all Victoria pieces. Being a part of the group really reminded me of what a nerd I am. I just freaking love to sing choral music. I feel like most people probably think that's a weird thing to freaking love, and I, too, think it's rather odd, but I just can't get over it. Nor do I have to because I've found people who freaking love it as much as I do. And that's very nice. A big thank you to all those wonderful people.

Caroline came to visit -slash- recruit people for her weird cult she calls "Rhodes College" in October. Lovely to see her as always, except I got her a present in Orlando and I forgot to give it to her, which is probably the worst thing to ever happen in the history of the world. Ever.

October also hosts this little holiday we like to call "Halloween" which I celebrated right nice this year. Kirsten and I, who never have any parties to go to, actually had to attend THREE parties in ONE night. She was dressed as an Indian (dots, not feathers, but still completely respectful of culture and history), and I was a Devil with a blue dress (blue dress, blue dress), Devil with a blue dress on (have mercy). It was a seriously fun night. I didn't want it to end, but this was the Saturday before Halloween, and I'm a dork who has to work on Sunday mornings. Lame. Still, it was awesome. Until actual Halloween, when I bought a crap ton of candy and got NO trick-or-treaters.

November: Yay! That's THIS month. Kirsten, as some of you may remember, was born in November so there was much celebrating to be done in honor of this. We had a lovely dinner with The Fam at Martini on the actual birhtday night which was D to the E to the L I C I O U S. And on Wednesday we had our normal Don Pablo's night, but with a twist because we added Libby and met peeps for coffee later. They were all political peeps, so I just sat back and enjoyed the gossip about people I don't know which is never in short supply when that group gets together. It was a fine few days of celebration.

Also, I gave blood again. Saved 3 more lives and got a totally awesome bruise.

Last week I travelled down to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. Man I love Thanksgiving. This year was pretty cool because normally I have two Thanksgiving dinners to go to ON Thanksgiving which means I eat a lot at the first one and then can barely enjoy anything at the second one. But THIS year I had one totally awesome Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving and then the second totally awesome Thanksgiving on Friday (i.e. the day AFTER Thanksgiving). Much easier for the tummy. And of course it's not just about the food, it's also about, like, being with family and stuff, and that was cool too.

Lancaster Chorale held its annual "Way Too Early For A Christmas Concert" Christmas Concert yesterday. It went fine, I got paid, everyone is happy.

An important shout out to Ann Harms who was born today 24 years ago. Oh my god. Is that right? Are we all turning 24 now??? That's ridonkulous. But nevertheless, Happy Birthday, Ann!

And now for the work news: today is my last day as an Account Coordinator for MJP! Starting tomorrow I will officially be a Production Assistant in Corporate Events. We are very excited that this is finally happening. The seed was planted with the first VS Conference in July, it grew to be a bud with the September conference, and tomorrow it gets to bloom into a beautiful flower. I know, I'm so poetic. Don't be jealous. I'd also like to point out that on my last days as an Account Coordinator, I'm wearing the same sweater I wore on my first day as an Account Coordinator. How that's for symmetry!

On a sad note, November also saw the passing of Trouble Fraser, Beagle Extraordinaire. Old Man Trouble was a fine animal and he will certainly be missed. Trouble, I hope you've found a sweet piece of ass to hump in Doggie Heaven. We will think of you fondly and often.

So that brings us to present time. You probably think that means this post is almost done, but you could not be more wrong. We have tons of movies to talk about.

(Real quickly though, I just want to share with you the scare I just had. I went away from the blogger website for a minute and when I came back, it looked like nothing from this post had saved since I started talking about September! How tragic would that have been?! Anyhoo, movies...)

A Room With A View & St. Elmo's Fire: whoops, had them for a month a never watched them. My bad.
Extras Season 2: Frickin' hilarious. Watch the episode with Harry Potter. You won't regret it.
Arrested Development Seasons 1, 2, & 3: So ridiculous that I absolutely could not stop watching. And then I had to. Because there were no more episodes.
The Office Season 3: I know I jumped on this bandwagon late, but MAN am I happy to be on it.
The Big Chill: I would totally let Kevin Kline be the father of my baby.
An Affair To Remember: Meh.
Secretary: This movie made me so uncomfortable and I hated it until the end when suddenly I absolutely loved it.
From Here To Eternity: Did you know this movie is NOT about two people making out on a beach? What a bummer. Side note: Montgomery Clift is HOT.
Cold Mountain: UGH! Spoiler Alert: He can survive like 8 different bomb blasts, but can't survive one little gun shot wound?! Yeah... still loved it though.
Just Like Heaven: Precious.
Daddy's Little Girls: I put this in the queue because the "Little Girls" looked funny. And they were, but mostly it sucked.
Evan Almighty: Cute, but not 200 million dollars cute.
Becoming Jane: Another one of those movies (like Cold Mountain) where I KNEW it was going to end unhappily but was still really upset when it did.

Well, alright. I think that's it. If you're still reading, well done you. It's been real!