Sit and contemplate my day

Monday, July 23, 2007

Oh hey, remember when I used to keep a blog?

Well, look at that. It's been a while. Whoops.

I probably shouldn't even try to recap everything that's happened in the last 3 months, but too bad for you cause I'm gonna! Yaaaay!

May: May was awesome. It was my first month in my totally awesome and kickass apartment, which from now on I will just refer to as "apartment" to save time. In short, it's a totally wonderful place and I'm in love with it. And I even have some of the stuff I listed in the previous post. I'm still lacking a lot in the kitchen area, but I really only use the microwave so it's been alright.

May also held in it my 23rd birthday! Hooray I'm old. There was a medium amount of celebration. Kirsten and I attended the 20th Anniversary showing of Dirty Dancing. Hot damn that's a good movie. And watching it with 200 hundred people who love it just as much as I do was simply wonderful.

Other rocking May experiences include -
Champions on Ice: "Love me some figure skating. Hate me some bitches."
Karaoke for Dennis's birthday: "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon."
One year anniversary of being a college graduate: "Holy hell, where is my life going?!"
Chicago for Mari's bachelorette festivities: ... I don't really have any funny quotes, but man it sure was a lovely weekend.

June: I blinked and pretty much missed all of June. All I can remember is there was a lot of working and not a lot of sitting around time. I had my first experience with the new airline Skybus. I flew down to North Carolina for a few days for about $40 bucks. Not too shabby. I have no complaints. Oh except for the absurb amount of children on my flight. Man I hate kids.

What else happened in June? Oh yes, my five year high school reunion. Now that was pretty amazing. My dear friends Caroline, Vivian, Kirsten, and I attended this special event together. The invitation said 7pm - 10pm, so we show up at about 7:45. Well that wasn't even close to being fashionably late enough. There were about 6 people there when we got there. All guys, none our friends... We took one look around the room and then high tailed it to the bar to fulfill our drink tickets. Then we set up camp in a corner and pretended that we HADN'T been speaking to each other every day for the last five years: "OH MY GOD, CAROLINE!!!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN????" It was pretty awesome. Slowly the room started to fill up with familiar (and completely unfamiliar) faces, and we made our way out of corner to be social. The 7 vodka drinks definitely helped me. It helped everyone actually. Because, really, no one had changed much in 5 years, but the presence of alcohol made everyone seem a lot friendlier. Honestly I had a really good time and was only slightly embarrassed when I woke up the next morning.

One thing happening throughout May and June was the company softball season. Straight up, I suck at softball. I can't catch! I have bad depth perception ok!! It's a learning disability and I'm trying to work through it, but it's hard. Thankfully, the season is over now. (Shockingly, we did not make it into the playoffs with our 2-8 record.) I did have one game where I got two hits though, so I'll cherish that memory for quite a while.

That bring us to July! Now we all know what the big event in July was: MARI AND MIKE'S WEDDING! In a word, it was perfect. It was just wonderful and classy and beautiful and perfect! I was very pleased, and you know what? I think Mari and Mike were a little happy themselves. It was a great weekend. Now we need someone else to get married next summer so we can all have another reunion. Who is going to step up and take one for the team??? Not it. Ashley is the one who caught the bouquet (DIVED for it actually!!!), so I think it's on you babe.

Ooh, we're almost caught up to present time!!! Isn't that exciting?!

Last week, I got the chance to work on a live event for Victoria's Secret! Don't be too impressed, it was just a District Managers Conference, not a fashion show, but it was still a big deal for me! I got to get out of the office and work a hell of a lot of hours, but it was totally awesome. I'm really ready to move out of the Account Services side of things, and while this doesn't actually mean any kind of promotion, it's a step in the right direction. Baby steps, y'all. Soon I'll own the whole company. :)

Before I leave you all with some totally pertinent movie reviews, I would like to also mention Caroline King had a totally awesome birthday which we celebrated with a parade and fireworks (like you do). Thanks for being born, Caroline. I appreciate you.

Alrighty, here we go! Movie time:

All About Eve and Some Like It Hot: These movies sat in their Netflix envelopes for a whole month before I gave up and returned them. I feel bad cause I'm sure they're both very good. Sorry movies.
Mannequin: One of my faves from childhood. Just as bad as it was then and I still love it.
Happy Feet: If this movie had only had baby penguins singing pop songs for 2 hours, I would have liked it a lot better.
Raising Helen: Cute.
Fantastic Four: I watched this movie while making deviled eggs, so I didn't see very much of it which might explain why I didn't hate it.
Flashdance: Holy crap this movie sucked.
The Office: Season 1: Hilarious
The Office: Season 2: Even more hilarious. And yep, I'm in love with Jim.
Amadeus: That Mozart kid, I really think he's gonna go places. Keep an eye on him.
Junebug: I think the point of this movie was to depress the shit out of me. And it did. So good job, Junebug.
Moonstruck: I love Cher. And Nicolas Cage. And yeah, I'm embarrassed about that.
Kramer vs. Kramer: I love Dustin Hoffman, but when he gets all agitated and yells, I can't understand a word that comes out of his mouth.
Ocean's 13: Loved it.
Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End: Saw it once, liked it. Went to see it again, LOVED it.
Knocked Up: I think I'm the only person in the world who did not like this movie. And I feel really bad about that.

So yeah, that's my life. See you in a few months maybe? Ok, bye now!