Sit and contemplate my day

Friday, December 01, 2006

Well Hello There

Hello beautiful people. How the hell are you? I'm doing well, thank you for wondering. I'm at work, of course, doing nothing right now. That's not to say I've been doing nothing all day though. I actually had a very busy morning. In a good way. It seems as though things are slowly picking up. That's nice. And my new AE boss lady really likes me. Plus I hear she gives KICK ASS Christmas presents. So the work world and Margaret are currently getting along nicely. Yay.

I believe it's been a few weeks since my last post. I wish I had loads of exciting stories to tell you about the last 20 or so days, but, you know what? I really don't. We rock it pretty tame here in Upper Arlington.

A few exciting things include:

Kirsten's birthday celebration. A good time combining a few different groups of friends o' Kirsten, and I think it worked out quite nicely. Kirsten has good taste in people. CLEARLY! We started the evening with a lovely dinner at Cafe Bella. We had some very classy and rather high priced drinks at a bar called...I don't remember...Bristol! It was called Bristol. I had a drink appropriately called "Oh My God." It. Was. Delicious. My part of the evening ended at Brothers where there was a mini UAHS Class of '01 reunion. After talking to a few blasts from the past (GOD freshman year spanish was AWESOME), I hopped in a cab and headed home cause I'm a loser who works on Sunday mornings. Oh well.

November held in it a trip to North Carolina. Though it was a short trip, it was a nice trip. It's always good to see the fam. Chris and I played Guitar Hero and now I want a Playstation so that I can play it always. Thanks a lot Chris. How much do those go for? Anyone? Who wants to get Margaret a nice Christmas present???

November was also host to the birthday of Ann Harms. Happy Birthday Ann. Thank you for being born. I mean it.

Lancaster Chorale held its first concert of the season on November 26th. It went...okaaaaay. Not perfect. I was not in full voice due to stupid allergies (boo them, I'm still suffering), plus we messed up quite obviously on one song, and that was sad. But I did get 1) PAID, and 2) a nice note from the conductor thanking me for my contribution to the group. Fingers crossed that I'll get promoted and earn an extra FIVE DOLLARS every rehearsal. It will be then that I know I've hit the big time.

In other news both Caroline and Vivian have made trips to central Ohio in the past month or so that I have failed to mention. Believe you me that their visits were magical and life altering.

And at this time I would like to take a few minutes to review movies that I have recently seen for the first time: The Queen- good! Trading Places- funny! Blazing Saddles- I don't like it when horses get punched. Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle- surprisingly enjoyable! Failure to Launch- it was OK. Something New- boo.

There you go. I'm sure my insights have been outrageously helpful. And yes, I HAVE considered a career as a movie critic. I am currently looking into my options.

Thank you for reading.